Feldspar Geology Kit Sample
Sample #31
Colour: Usually white, pink, grey or brown
Hardness: 6 - 6.5
Streak: White
Luster: Vitreous or pearly, glassy
Magnetic: No
Conductive: No
Cleavage: Perfect in two directions
Relative Density: 2.5 - 2.8
Distinguishing Characteristics: It flashes in the light. Any glassy mineral that is softer than quartz is likely feldspar and makes up most rocks. It is very common.
Uses: Crushed and powdered feldspar are important raw materials for the manufacture of plate glass, container glass, ceramic products, paints, plastics and many other products. Varieties of orthoclase, labradorite, oligoclase, microcline and other feldspar minerals have been cut and used as faceted and cabochon gems.