S.H.E. is Healing
S.H.E. is Healing is an art project from local artist Suellen Evoy-Oozeer, whose exhibition Me, You & Us was featured at Lambton Heritage Museum in 2019. Her work is inspired by a female perspective on the themes Spirit, Humanity, Earth (S.H.E.), and Healing. Evoy-Oozeer's series of spirit portraits were inspired by the kinship and respect she felt sitting down with each woman that is represented. This exhibition unifies all nations with our Earthly Mother, for the future of all children of the earth, the future of those who are yet to arrive, all life, Me, You & Us... We Are All Related.
Program and activities at the Museum associated with this exhibition include an opening night celebration, a drumming circle, and a series of art classes.
Admission to this exhibition is free to individuals that present a status card.
"S.H.E. is Healing" is a community art project created mostly during the pandemic at a time of great change and uncertainty. It changed me. The pandemic gifted me with the time to look inward. Also, it gave me time to paint, work on healing, and connect to family, friends, and community. In this project I don’t speak about other’s journey; I listen to what is shared. Painting these spirit portraits, I felt a kinship and respect for each of these women. I was honoured to be trusted to try and capture their spirit in a portrait. My art is my therapy and a way to connect to others. You are encouraged to look at the artwork and let it speak to you intuitively. All these culturally diverse women in this exhibit represent different aspects of all of us whether you are a woman or not: the struggles, emotions, and bravery to access present & past trauma. I have deep respect for those who are brave enough to face the fire of truth and grow through the pain. Take pause, maybe you will even feel the creative energy, or connect to the imagery as it speaks directly to your spirit.
My artwork was greatly influence by many grandmothers, including my own ancestors. I was honoured to be invited to be part of a First Nation led group, even though I am a white woman. It was a group of First Nation Grandmothers and Elders which I was a part of during Covid, through weekly Zoom meetings. I was humbled and proud to be with these Powerful Sacred Woman. All in the group, hoped & prayed for a kinder, gentler world for future generations. Grandmother Isabelle Meawasige & Elder Conni Ma’iingan, as well as several others took us on a personal journey around the medicine wheel to try to help heal ourselves. They told us of the importance of forgiveness, gratitude, letting go of ego, stressing the power of love, and so much more. We all were asked to look deep into ourselves and find the thorns left that still ached to be released. Additionally, the wise brave women in this group also shared many personal stories and lessons, which we all learned from together.
Collectively, all in our group agreed the evident truth that all of Humanity’s future is only possible with a living earth. “S.H.E. is Healing” gives homage to all life’s connection to the earth. Many of the portrait participants found solace and wisdom in nature especially at this time of uncertainty. Also, during the pause of Covid, Mother Nature showed us her ability to heal: cleaner skies, fish returning, cleaner water are some examples.
Overall, this project centred on active listening to the subjects who shared intimate details about their spirits. The process entailed asking a list of questions and taking photos of each person. Next step was for me, the artist, to try to visualize each subject’s spirit through meditation, reflection, and sketches. Many of the subject’s unique perspectives greatly inspired my creativity. Since I have been dedicated to this path myself since my youth, I have always felt the greatest connection to others who are trying to do healing work. I have cultivated a sincere healing connection with many women and my First Nation friends and learned a great deal about forgiveness. All the woman in this project shared a precious part about themselves that few people ever ask about. As I painted, I was remembering what was shared. Also, while painting each person’s spirit I sent them love and prayed for their healing. During this sacred creative process, I felt the pulse of a heart connection to each subject’s spirit.
Lastly, the most profound awakening for the me was in 2017, becoming a grandmother. This has motivated me to try to make positive change to leave behind a kinder community. This community art project asks for a paradigm shift to look inward to create a healing spirit that can pull humanity together to heal the planet. “S.H.E. is Healing” creatively unifies: All nations with our Earthly Mother, for the future of all children of the earth, the future of those who are yet to arrive, all life, Me, You & Us…We Are All Related.