Kevin Marriott
Kevin Marriott is life-long farmer and community leader. He was born in Petrolia and grew up on a farm on Shiloh Line in Enniskillen Township. As a youth, he was involved with beef, pork, and cash crops. His love of farming led him to enroll at Ridgetown College. He graduated with a diploma in Agricultural Production and Management. In 1977, he took over the family farm .
Marriott is a forward thinker. In 1988, he was one of the first in Ontario to adopt no-till farming. Tilling has been a popular agricultural practice since the eighteenth century. Tilling involves turning over the top 6 to 10 inches of soil before planting new crops. It disturbs the matrix of plant matter surrounding the soil. This leaves the soil vulnerable to erosion by wind and water. Tilling also displaces or kills microbes and insects that form healthy soil.
Marriott was a founding Provincial Director of the Grain Farmers of Ontario. His involvement with soybeans has taken him from the Lambton County Soybean Committee to the international stage. He was a Provincial Director for Ontario Soybean Growers for over ten years. He represented Canada as a Director of the American Soybean Association. In 2008, he led a delegation to Japan to promote Canadian food grade soybeans. Marriott continues to grow GMO-free, food grade soybeans for the Japanese market.
Marriott is a role model and mentor to future farmers. He worked his way up to become President of Lambton County Junior Farmers where he participated in many County and Provincial activities. He has been a member of the Enniskillen and Dawn 4-H Beef Club, the Lambton County 4-H Leaders Association, and participated in Agriculture in the Classroom.

Involvement in community and farm organizations is important to Marriott. After receiving the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority’s 2010 Conservation Farmer of the Year Award, Marriott stated, “As farmers I think we need to take control of our destiny by getting involved with our local municipalities, you really can take hold of government and make a difference.” Marriott was elected Councillor of Enniskillen Township in 1994. He held the position of Deputy-Mayor for seven years before becoming Mayor in 2011. In 2020 Marriott was elected Warden of Lambton County.
Marriott takes pride in his farm. “Keeping my equipment in good condition and organized ensures safety on my farm and extends the life of my machines.” He plans to continue in agriculture, learning, developing new practices, and encouraging the next generation of farmers. Read more about Marriott’s family farm in “Working the family farm” from The Observer, April 5, 1995.
Community Contributions
- Enniskillen and Dawn 4-H Beef Club
- Lambton County 4-H Leaders Association
- Enniskillen Township Junior Farmers
- Director and President of Lambton County Junior Farmers
- Agriculture in the Classroom
- Lambton Soil and Crop Improvement Association
- Bluewater Conservation Club
- Founding Provincial Director of the Grain Farmers of Ontario
- Lambton County Soybean Committee
- Over 10 years as Provincial Director for Ontario Soybean Growers
- Director of the American Soybean Association
- Five years as Canadian Director on the National Biodiesel Board
- Three-year term on the Canadian Farm Debt Mediation Board panel
- Councillor of Enniskillen Township (1994)
- Seven years as Deputy Mayor of Enniskillen Township
- Mayor of Enniskillen Township (2011)
- Warden of Lambton County (2020)