Fenian Raid Artifacts in the Museum Collection
27th Lambton Battalion Uniform (Oil Museum of Canada)
This uniform belonged to Charles Edward Hurley Fisher. At just 16 years of age Charles enlisted in the Sarnia Independent Company of Militia, which subsequently became part of the 27th Lambton Battalion of Infantry. Charles served during the Fenian Raids, defending Canada along the St. Clair River. He rose through the ranks to that of Lieutenant-Colonel and retired in 1892.
27th Canada Militia Badge
Lambton County formed the 27th Infantry Battalion on September 14, 1866, known as the St. Clair Borderers. This medal contains the inscription “Canada Militia.” Many of the early Canadian military forces consisted of part-time citizen soldiers known as the militia. The St. Clair Borderers were no different, with regular citizens offering their services should the country need them.
Canada General Service Medal
The Fenian Raids produced a strong sense of national identity among many Canadians and saw the striking of the first distinctively Canadian military medal, known as the Canada General Service Medal in 1898. The medal was presented by the Canadian government to each soldier who fought in the Fenian Raids or the Red River Rebellion, as an expression of gratitude for their bravery.